

Link Sharing is a file sharing app that can conveniently share large video clips or massive quantities of photos (at their original sizes) to large groups of people.

- Large size files transfer without any settings and cable connection - Transfer original files safely with Samsung Cloud - Maximum 2G can be transferred at once, with individual file size limit being 1G - Supports all file types (except Apk types) - Various file transferring options . Send to contacts, Create a link, Share with Code

* You may download the most recent PC version from the link below.

* Maximum of 2 GB can be transferred daily. Files are stored on the server for two days before being deleted. * Apk files are not supported due to legal issues.

[Detailed information] . Link Sharing introduction video: . PC Simple Sharing introduction video:

To best use Link Sharing's convenient file sharing service, we ask user’s permissions listed below • Read and Write Internal Storage: To transfer or store photos, videos, and files on your device through Link Sharing • Read and Write External Storage (SD Card): To transfer or store photos, videos, and files on your device through Link Sharing • Read Contacts: To view your contacts' information and find friends Link Sharing friends through Link Sharing • Phone: To maintain device authentication status • SMS: To authenticate phone numbers and share links in the sign-up phase

If the OS version of the device is lower than Android 6.0, it is impossible to select whether to allow the access privilege. Therefore, after checking whether the OS can be updated, the existing access privilege can be reset through the device's Settings> Application Management menu.

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